Patz & Hall Prep

January 9, 2011 § Leave a comment

November 16, 2010

I know I have been slacking, but time to get started on this post.

Back in November we had the opportunity to have Roy join us for a wine dinner with Patz & Hall.  The parameters of the dinner were a first for me.  5 courses and 6 wines, but 2 of the courses had 2 wines each.  Quite a few numbers in the last sentence.  3 Chardonnays and 3 Pinot Noirs.

The prep work was the first thing to care of and there was quite to do for me and my new Sous Chef, Kevin Alan Wong.

Plus this time around I wanted to shoot the food and preparation a little bit differently.  I thought Hipstamatic would be a great way to shoot it. Hipstamatic is a retro trend in photography. You can change the filters, film and flashes. It is very similar to Lomography and Instant Polaroid cameras.

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