Cakebread Cellars Wine Dinner

September 30, 2010 § Leave a comment

September 28, 2010

Finally got to sit down and post some pictures.  We had the pleasure of hosting a Wine Dinner with Cakebread Cellars.  Here are some pictures from Tuesday.  Enjoy!

Hiramasa with Yuzu Kosho, Serrano & Mango Relish

Cakebread Cellars Sauvignon Blanc

King Crab Cioppino & Dungeness Crab Cake

Cakebread Cellars Chardonnay

Culotte Steak Berry Compote & Onion Marmalade

Cakebread Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon

Butterscotch, Chocolate & Lilikoi

Kona Coffee & Tea

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